
Hi, Bonjour, Shalom, Guten Tag, Ahalan, Nei Ho, Hej, Ahoj, Hallo, Namaste, Halo, Dia dhuit, Ciao, Kon-nichiwa, An-nyong, Zdravstvuyte, & G’day

Welcome or Welcome Back…

The original “Where is Melissa dot com” was conceived of at a Christmas Party in 1996 …and then it lay dormant.

In 2007, “Where is Melissa” went to Iraq for a several-month holiday; and the legend of this blog was born…

The little blog was faithfully updated several times a day. It returned from Iraq; mourned the death of a friend in Afghanistan, returned to Iraq, and then traveled through The United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Dubai, Germany, Afghanistan, Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Portugal, Sweden, and Australia. It lived in Italy for six months during the war in Libya, and Indonesia during the beginning of the rise of Daesh.

It was abandoned for a while when life got too busy, and the Melissa wimped out and posted on Facebook instead…

THEN…the old hosting company deleted ALL of the content, for no good reason.

A previous attempt at reviving the blog, failed – because technology and Melissa will never, ever be friends!

SO HERE WE ARE …the blog is back.

Simple. Clean. Full of random observations about life, the Universe, and …I dunno, other stuff.

I can’t promise that it will be faithfully updated every day…but hopefully at least once a week.

Welcome back, my friends!